The Winner of this year's 'Betriebssystembau' contest

We are happy to announce the winner of this year's 'Betriebssystembau' (Operating System Construction) contest:
Sarmanta Scharmacher, Alwin Berger, and Gregor Bellach (not in the photo).
They have impressed the audience the most with their application: gameSTUBS. GameSTUBS offers an animated menu from which users can choose among multiple games. Moreover, you can try every submission yourself. Just visit the website of the contest.
For the programming contest, the students develop their application based on their operating system, which they have developed as part of the lecture assignments. At the end of the semester, all participants are invited to submit cool and novel ideas on how to put their OS to good use. The audience chooses the winner via a secret ballot. The event took place on Friday, 10th February 2023.
We want to take this opportunity to thank aido (Alumni der Informatik Dortmund e.V.) for sponsoring the material prizes for this competition.